A Story About A Girl

Once upon a time, there is a girl who has nothing in the world not a penny, nor place to call home; family to call her own. She is despised by everyone. Reasons she cannot understand. Not even to this present moment
She worked as a maidservant cleaning toilets, drains whatever she can get a few coins, food and Clothing to feed her siblings. She turns to Farming just to earn.

Her life was so much tormented. Circumstances made her a “Prostitute”. To earn she do any odds job. Being a Prostitute; she made a promise to herself, she will never break a home. Be with Husband or Boyfriend. She KEPT that promise. She married thinking it’s going to change her life, a kind of small bits of fairy tale add on. “Instead her marriage turns out to be a living hell. Worse Than Before.

That little cute girl we talking about before. She worked as a salesperson. Other little jobs here and there. Remembering those days made her laugh sometimes. Remembering that first-ever interviewed; no one told her what to expect or have to get a lot of education and experiences to work in big places. Dress in her best fluffy white dress, well makeup which she used lipstick and talcum powder to apply to her face, hair done to the best. Off she goes to the interview. When she arrived everyone just stares, laughs at a point. Unknowing to her she looks like a clown in her best clothes out for a walk. Well as you expected she did not get the job. Well, it not about the education she did not qualify. Funny it her fluffy outfit she chooses for that interview.

The girl went back to her usual work being a maidservant and salesperson. Her life as a Prostitute had ended long back. She doesn’t want that life anymore. She has kids. Need to provide for them and her family at the same time. She did everything with no complaint. Now she realize she can do much more. She sends herself to school. Become a ‘Manager’ for the store she was working at. And done an amazing job. Her Bosses loves her and always tried to go out of their way to help her sometimes.

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