A Wonderful And Great Experience Of Near Death. Part 2 of 7

The doctor try to help Our Little Lady over the months.  But it come to the point where there is nothing else they could do for little lady.  The doctor asked her; what she would like to do. She said Dance again.  But can you do the Next Surgery a bit latter.  She had promise her little sister she will see her get married even if it takes her last breath.  She asked the doctor help her go see her little sister married.  Then she will come with the doctor.  He already was not sure what would be the outcome of the next surgery.  He agree and started treated her to ease some of the bleeding.  Little Lady went and keep her promise with her baby sister who was like a little daughter to her.  She was happy as faith puts it.  She barely bled.  She had fun.  Make her family and friends happy.  She was contented.

Now Little lady back and the day fix for her surgery.   By this time little lady and her family got a home.  It was barely anything inside but they was happy.  She though now my family have a roof over their head. Anything can happen.  She have given up now.  Her body weaking bleeding cannot stop

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