A Wonderful And Great Experience Of Near Death. Part 3 of 7

She then felt the urgency to fight against that peacefulness and see what in front of her, in that black hole that keep open up in front of her. In that place she was, she look down into that hole. She saw herself. Her body hook up to many different machines.  Her belly was cut open.  It was so much blood.  People in white was standing over her body.  At that point her eyes open and she can see the doctor and nurses.  She wondering what are they doing.  It came to her it is herself they cut open.  The doctor have a small knife and scissor with cotton in his hands; blood all over his gloves hands. Then she heard voices which at that point she can now place the sound of their voice where they are in the room. The only thing that worry her is why she can’t move. Then clattering and heard someone scream, ‘she wake up, she recognizing us.  She can remembering thinking are they done is she dead why her belly is still open.  Because at that point I can see blood everywhere but can’t move.  I heard the doctor said give her one more. She felt that cool sensation coming up her arm again and a mask put over her face. At that point she return to that peacefully place.  This time her dad was there next to her bed in the operating room and she knows this is her operation and her dad with her.  He was at her head side.  She can fell and remember him touching her head and saying, ‘Everything going to be alright, I am here’. Her Dad was there as long as she can remember. She knows from the time she woke up and was given that second cool injection. She was partially conscious of everything and felt every pain every needles every pull and tug on her body. Even know when they put her in a room. When they all leave a person with a long white robe come and stand at the foot of my bed. His hands folded across his middle.  It’s seem to her to be hovering not standing kind of like floating.  Her father now at her head and this figure in white at her feet.  The two started to talk but she can’t understand what they were saying.  She asked her dad for water.  He give it to her lifting her gentle up so she can drink that sip of water.  We both started to talk while the figure in white stood there waiting patiently.  {to be continue}

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