A Wonderful And Great Experience Of Near Death. Part 7 of 7

Little Lay can see the figure in white now again seems to be floating again.  She can’t see her babies and she wanted to see them so much her heart feel like it burning but she now lay helpless. Unable to move or do anything even the others are not there anymore only her dad at her head and that figure in white seems to be moving away from her, fading away little by little. Her dad stayed by her side always taking care of her.  For how long she did not know.  But for reason unknown by her whenever any people come next to her he will walk out the door.  When they leaves he will be there next to her. {Don’t asked her how, she don’t know even as of this moments she did not know how.}  Little lady can even remember being thirsty her dad rise her head and give her water from a white cup.  He stayed by her side for a very long time.  If he leaves and she needs him he will be there never saying a word just point if he want to show her something she understand her father.  Some patient even mention seeing a man always in my room next to my bed.  When she asked them describe him.  The description was her father.  She knows he will always be there watching even if she can’t see him.  He waiting for her to return with them. THAT TIME LITTLE LADY LEARN GOD NOT READY FOR HER. She now joked about her near death experience. When ever asked by people ; ‘How You Did It’. She reply with lots of humor. “Whenever God tell Jamjute (Death) go get that soul”. Death said to God, I am not going for that soul she too stubborn and strong will. I am now going on vacation.  Well Death just went on vacation. Death did not return from vacation as yet. It left to be seen whenever he will returned.

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