A Wonderful And Great Experience Of Near Death. Part 4 of 7

Little Lady did not know how much time has passed. During their conversion.  Her dad and the figure in white both each took one of my hands and left me up.  As of sudden I was whole no pain nor regrets’. She was happy and looking down at herself and the woman in the next bed.  A nurse comes and goes to her then my body. Her father turn and said to her, ‘look who is here with us.  I was really dancing and twirling; all this time the figure in white still there with us close by.  Her father took her shoulder and turn her around.  Wow it the most amazing feeling ever. She was at peace and feel very light as a feature. He pointed she follow where his hands pointing.  She saw her Grandmother (Mother Mother) holding the last baby boy she lost in her arm.  He was happy to see me stretching his tiny arms kicking his legs. She give him to her. Then all the babies she have lost and miscarriage was there.  She was happy just to be there playing with her babies, holding kissing, could feel there little fingers arms around her.  It was the most fulfilled felling ever.  Her Father then said look who else are here.  It was her mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandmother (Dad Mother), her mother’s mother, adopted brother friends.  Everyone was helping her taking care of her happy bunches of babies. At some point her dad started to talk to the figure in white again. The figure in white took her hand and urge her gently to get up. She looked up but the light was too bright she cannot see.  Only a bright blinding light was there. She rise her other hand to block her face and eyes.  Everyone was still there around us.  Her Dad said, “Not Yet”.  She turn and looked at her father he was pleading with the figure in white “Not Yet” she have worked to do she not Finished…  Her father keeps on pleading with that figure until I felt a gentle touch on her head.  It was her father he said to her, “you have to go back my dearest daughter”.  At that point she did not want to be separated from her babies again.  She does not want to leave her babies and she have so many helping loving hands with her to take care of them. Dad and the figure in white both stood beside her and then turn her around. Her father on her right; the figure in white on her left.  Her Dad said to her “look down”.  {to be continue}

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