A Wonderful And Great Experience Of Near Death. Part 5 of 7

Little Lady saw her body still hook up to machines.  Doctors and Nurses seems to her to be everywhere.  She next saw her mother, daughter and son at the door to the room.  They were trying to get to her still body.  Doctors and nurses were holding them back, from what she does not understand.  It’ seem as if they were desperate and frantic.  Pushing and shoving. The lady on the bed next to hers’ and another woman in a kind of flowery dress; steering at Little Lady. Then there were a big commotion.  She can see the doctor that was in the room when she was first put on a table to lie down, he came running to her bed side, at that moment everyone in the room stood back away from Little Lady bed. All those moments the three of them was still observe what happening in that room.  She remember sitting down shaking her feet and still does not care what happening down below her. She knows she observing something, it did not dawn on her as yet what was happening, for her she was at peace; no pain or uncomfortable feeling. She felt her dad took her shoulders turn her around to face him and said, to her in a sort of gentle tone of voice.   “My dearest Daughter I Love You; but you have to go back, she asked ‘where to daddy’.  Little Lady said to her father, but daddy I am happy here.  He said to her, ‘Your Time Not Here Yet’.  She was confuse why she can’t stay.  She at peace.  Her father said to her again, you have to go back there is a lot more for you to do. We will always be here gesturing around him with his left hand.  He again raise his hand and in a back and forth motion to that figure in white to come forward.  They showed to her everyone whom died she had loved.  My babies were being taken care of.  Both her grandmothers in hammock feeding and shaking about two babies. One seem to be sleeping. Next were her Mother and Father in law stood holding babies in their arms and smiling to her.   My friends and brothers were there also helping to catch playful babies.  Is as if to her it a happy confusion she did not want to leave.” For a few moments everyone started to talk to little Lady.  Repeating over and over again’ assuring her they will take of the babies and everyone would be safe. Until she returned.  Nothing they say can they pursued her to leave willing.  She held on to her father; started to cry screaming; “I don’t want to go back, I can’t suffer and beaten with pain anymore I am tired now happy here.”   {to be continue}

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