A Wonderful And Great Experience Of Near Death. Part 6 of 7

The figure in white seems to float and settle next to her.  Not doing or saying anything just hovering, as if it’s waiting….  Little lady father push her away she seem to be falling she grab on to his feet, she held onto his feet.  He shaking his feet for her to let go.  She have a strong grip. He then tried kicking her to let go of his feet she still held on.  She crying and screaming looking up at him with tearful eyes at the same time she saw those she loved and had passed holding a baby.  There was even babies sitting playing and watching her. Suddenly her father started kicking with both feet for her to let go.  The figure in white appear next to her as she was dangling from that ledge they were sitting and watching everything that was happening in the room below them.  She looked up again still crying her loved ones were looking at her smiling yet sad; seems to be both to her { Still onto this day she never understand that look on their faces}.  Little lady father manage to kick her free with lots of force…  The figure in white which was still hovering next to them open its arms and catches her as she was falling.  Her father with a last attempt grabbed her hand, which was felt like jelly to her and kissed her hand. But her fingers slip through his hands as that white figure held her.  Then the figure in white let her go very slowly and she started falling slowly downward.  She still watching upwards at her loved one. Then she felt a big impact like someone standing on her.  As if like sudden feeling she was down lying on something hard.  Her father again at the side of her head and the figure in white at her feet. Both looking at her.  She felt someone pressing her down then a big jolt no pain though it looks like nothing she feeling.  Then came that big sharp jolt with pain every inch of her body, another again and that very instant she can recognizes her doctor voice through that painful fog she now in.  The doctor voice, ‘I can’t lose her she had went through too much, she must live, another voice we will not lose her”.  So many voices another doctor she gone.  We lost her.  She can hear every voice in that room now and pin point where they are in the room.  Doctor voice again, “I can’t lose her again give her one more”.  Everyone seems worried and crying while moving about and passing stuff over her body here and there.  She cannot understand what happen.  Little lady father pointed towards the door she now can sees her mother and daughter on their knees hands claps tightly as if in prayer, behind them her son standing.  For a reason she did not know she heard her son, ‘Please mom, I love you don’t go’. Right behind her son she saw her ex-husband at the door he wants to come into the bed room.  By this time she can feel pain going through and through her body two times her body jerk and jerk over and over again.  Her doctor said, ‘kick him out’, I don’t want him in here.  He causes all this gesturing towards her body.  Some of the other doctors push him out.  {to be continue}

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