Category: Crazy Lines

  • Don’t Cut Yourself

    Don’t cut yourself. You don’t deserve to die. It’s better to be alone. Heaven and Hell Is right hereWhy am…

  • Here I Keep

    Sometimes I reached the breaking point. But I don’t know what keep me Here!

  • End

    One day I will have the courage to end it all.

  • Lost Hope

    Most of the Times Depression is when we Loss all Hope. We know we are a Burden on other. Burden…

  • Great

    I put the knife to my neck. The cold blade make me feel nice. “I can’t bring myself to complete…

  • ‘I’

    I bit my Tongue, but it will not Stop Talking. I cut my Feet, It still Move. I hit my…

  • Help

    I wonder where is the “HELP”. They say there is Help. F*** Fed Up! Why can’t I have Help? It’s…

  • My Tongue

    Most Days/Times, I felt like putting my hand in mouth and cut my tongue off.

  • “Shamed”

    Don’t be Ashamed to asked Strangers for help. Sometimes Strangers are better than Family.

  • The Heat

    Don’t Try To Walk In My Shoe It’s F*** Hot!!!